The Columbia Project #2 — Please!

The second in a series of free art & design for a better America

Nathan Luppino
2 min readAug 26, 2020

Columbia has been largely forgotten by America. Aside from being the Columbia Pictures lady, anyway. Did you know she was the first personification of America? Did you know Columbia is an old-timey name for America?

The many faces of Columbia through the years.

Shure, she and Uncle Sam overlapped for a while...

But she was first! I'm just trying to revive her for the worthiest of modern causes.

Additionally, this one has to be dedicated to Paul Stahr. He drew this image. As soon as I saw it, I knew I had to reinterperet it.

I’ve released this under Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike license if you would like to freely download, share, or use this image:

Others in this series: #1, #3, #4

