The Columbia Project #1 - SS 45

Free Art For A Better America

Nathan Luppino
3 min readAug 19, 2020

This is the first in a (at least) 6-part series of free art/design for the resistance.

I just don’t know how many more ways I can say it. I feel like I’m screaming like the house is on fire and some people just won’t listen. I’ve said it over and over in so many ways in the last 4 years, I’m so tired. It’s not about the usual partisanship. It doesn’t matter if you’re red or blue. It’s not a conspiracy. Donald Trump is an existential threat to our Democracy! He has undermined the rule of law. He kowtows to dictators while alienating our allies. He has tested his power beyond the decency of his predecessors, reframing the role of the President into more of the Monarch the Founding Fathers feared it would become. Right now he is undermining our vote with his war on mail-in voting, something my home state of Washington has been doing safely and effectively for more than a decade. Worst of all, we are witnessing the resurgence of the same kind of Fascism my Italian ancestors immigrated to America to escape, and the Nazism we fought to defeat going on a century ago (along with that fascism)! America First was the name of a WW2 era American Nazi group for God’s sake! Wake the fuck up!

American Nazis are marching and perpetrating hate crimes at a rate we haven't seen in so long. One of the KKK's most notorious hatemongers and it's most prominent newspaper endorsed Trump for President. Those are endorsements the likes of which we haven't seen in a hundred years!

Wasn't Charlottesville enough proof for you? It's so much worse now. It goes on and on. Donald Trump may not have invented these people, but he sure as hell makes them feel safe and bold. Donald Trump is a racist, a crook, and exaulted by the worst, most despicable monsters.

Please know, especially my Jewish brothers an sisters, I do not evoke Nazi symbols lightly. I'm just trying to shake America out of it's complacency and do whatever I can to prevent the worst President in my lifetime from being re-elected.

As a side note I have to give credit where credit is due. This was inspired by Mike Mitchell's " NO 45" logo. Once you start seeing Trump's beloved 45 in Nazi symbols, it's hard to stop.

I will be releasing every piece in this series under Creative Commons licence through The Internet Archive, but this one I’ve donated into the public domain:

This is just the intro. I'm just getting started.

Others in this series: #2, #3, #4

